What is a Rabbit Hunched Position? (and why it’s important to learn how to spot it)

Hunched rabbit behavior

When you notice your rabbit sitting in a hunched position, it communicates discomfort or distress. Think of it as if you were curled up on the couch with a stomach ache – your rabbit’s hunched posture is a similar expression of feeling unwell. When healthy and content, rabbits typically display a more relaxed and stretched out posture. 

A hunched position can be a subtle clue letting you know your rabbit isn’t feeling well. If you see this alongside other signs like a lack of appetite, less droppings, or a decrease in activity, these can be indications that your rabbit needs more care or even a visit to the vet.

Since rabbits are prey animals, they have an instinct to hide when they are not feeling well. Their well-being might hinge on recognizing these quiet signals.

What is a hunched position in rabbit body language?

You’ll know your rabbit isn’t feeling well when you see them sitting in a hunched position. It’s a common sign in rabbits experiencing GI stasis or abdominal discomfort. 

Even though it’s so important to know when a rabbit is sitting in a hunched position, it’s not always easy to recognize. A hunched rabbit looks very similar to when they sit in a loaf position, but with a few subtle differences. 

In a hunched position, your rabbit will prop themselves slightly with their front legs, ensuring their belly isn’t pressing against the ground. Unlike the relaxed state of a ‘loaf,’ where your rabbit appears comfy. I also would describe a hunched stance as giving off more of a grumpy vibe.

Even with this description, it’s frequently difficult to tell what a hunched position is when you just don’t know. I’ve worked with hundreds of rescue rabbits in my time volunteering, so I’ve developed a keen eye to recognize when they aren’t feeling well. 

However, I remember having a lot of trouble telling the difference between a loaf and hunched posture when I first started. If you’re worried, you can use other clues from your rabbits behavior to help you pick out the difference.

hunched rabbit sitting position
A rabbit in a hunched position will use their front paws to keep from pressing their belly against the ground.

Signs to help you spot a hunched position:

  • Your rabbit is sitting in an unusual spot. Most rabbits have common places that they choose to loaf around. For example, if they are sitting in the litter box for a long time when they usually don’t.
  • Your rabbit periodically pressed their belly against the ground. Belly pressing is associated with gas in rabbits and is associated with gut discomfort.
  • Your rabbit has squinted eyes. Usually a rabbit who is loafing will either have their eyes open or closed. Squinted eyes might indicate discomfort or pain.
  • Your rabbits are eating slower than usual or they’re refusing treats. Any change in eating habits is a sign that your rabbit might not be feeling well (if your rabbit is not eating for more than 10 hours, bring them to an emergency vet)
  • You may notice loud teeth grating. This is a louder noise and more of a clicking sound than typical teeth purring. (learn more about teeth grinding behaviors)
  • Your rabbit’s back is more arched than usual. When a rabbit loafs comfortably, their back is usually more-or-less flat, but when they are hunched there is a more defined arch.
  • You might notice labored breathing. Sometimes you’ll notice your rabbit is breathing heavier than usual, especially if you observe their sides expanding and contracting heavily with their breath.
  • You notice their hip bones when they’re sitting more than usual. This is based on my own observations and isn’t something you’ll see 100% of the time. It’s very slight, but if it seems like there is extra concave space in front of their hip bones or their hips seem to stick out a little.

If you see your rabbit in a hunched position, it’s crucial to monitor their behavior and consider if they’re showing other signs of illness. A rabbit in a hunched posture is likely in pain or distress, and a vet visit may be necessary to address any underlying health issues.

What it is not!

It’s easy to confuse a hunched rabbit posture with other behaviors. I don’t want you to feel worried all the time because you think your rabbit might be sick, so I want to clear up what it’s not so that you can rest easy.

First off, it’s not the bunny loaf position. The loaf looks quite relaxed overall and is a normal sitting and sleeping position that you’ll find your rabbit in all the time. Their feel are all tucked in and their breathing is normal.

It’s not just a fleeting moment; if your bunny has taken to a hunched position, you will see them sitting like this for a while. There have been a couple times I’ve noticed one of my rabbits pause in a position that looks almost like they’re hunched, but then they move on 30 seconds later (usually to start cleaning themselves or bend over and eat their cecotropes).

It’s also possible your rabbit is just being weird. To check if your rabbit is just having an oddball moment, try what I like to call the treat test. Offer them a favorite treat – something you know they go bananas over. If they immediately hop over for a snack, they are probably fine. But, if that treat doesn’t tempt them into moving, that hunch could be a sign of distress.

Why is it important to recognize a hunched position in rabbit behavior?

When you see your rabbit sitting in a hunched position, it’s a red flag. This posture isn’t something to take lightly; it’s an indicator that your rabbit is not feeling well. Rabbits are great at hiding their discomfort, so this subtle sign is often one of the first ways they show that something’s up. 

Catching this sign early can be a game-changer. Since it’s typically an early symptom, being observant can allow you to intervene quickly. With illnesses like GI stasis, time is of the essence, and the sooner you act, the better the chances of a good outcome for your rabbit.

The hunched position is not specific to one illness—it’s a symptom common across many different health issues. Whether it’s a dental problem, a digestive upset like GI stasis, or something else, that hunch is a universal signal of distress in bunnies.

Here’s what you can do: If you notice the hunched posture, it’s time to do a quick health check. You might want to gently test your rabbit to see if they react to your touch or offer them their favorite treat to gauge their interest. If they seem off, don’t wait. Your next move should be to contact your vet. If your rabbit is not eating or pooping for more than 10 hours get them to the vet as soon as possible.

Learning to recognize this hunched posture at a glance is a valuable skill for all rabbit caretakers. It’s about being proactive in your rabbit’s health and could very well save their life. So keep an eye out, and always trust your gut if something seems off.

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Recommended Products and Brands

Important: These are Affiliate links. As an associate to Amazon, Small Pet Select, and Chewy.com, I may receive a small commission from qualifying purchases.

The two brands that I use when buying food for my rabbit are Oxbow and Small Pet Select. These both have high quality rabbit products and are companies that care about the health of our small animals. If you are purchasing anything from Small Pet Select use the code BUNNYLADY at checkout to get 15% off your first order.

Amy Pratt

Amy Pratt is a lifelong rabbit owner who has been specializing with rabbits at the Humane Rescue Alliance. She helps to socialize the rabbits and educate volunteers on the care and behavior of these small mammals.

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