11 Tips for Trimming Rabbit Nails By Yourself

11 tips for nail clipping

I’ll be the first to admit that clipping rabbit nails on your own is not an easy task. I am just as amazed as you when I see someone on youtube quickly and adeptly trim their rabbit’s nails without any bunny throwing a fit.

That being said, I have been trimming my rabbit’s nails on my own without a partner for 10+ years now. It may not be easy, but I do have some tips that make it slightly more possible. You still need to have a lot of patience when trimming your rabbit’s nails, but hopefully these tips will help make it a little bit easier.

For the full technique that I use for nail clipping, check out my other post about trimming rabbit nails

1. Bring your rabbit to an unfamiliar space

In unfamiliar spaces, rabbits tend to be more tentative and cautious. Usually, this means your rabbit will likely be less feisty, reducing the chance they’ll keep trying to escape from the nail trimming session. Regardless of the space you choose, the more it is new and unfamiliar to your rabbit, the better behaved they will be (in most cases).

I prefer to bring my rabbit to a kitchen countertop, since my rabbits don’t typically go in the kitchen. Of course, you need to make sure the countertop is clear of any dangerous utensils and you need to keep your rabbit supervised at all times while they are up there so they don’t try to jump off. This means setting up the space and making sure you have the supplies you need before bringing your bunny over.

My sister uses her bathroom floor for nail trimming sessions. Her rabbit hates slick flooring and refuses to walk on it. So he will only ever go as far as the edge of the bathmat. 

An unfamiliar space can make this a less stressful experience for both you and your rabbit. Choosing a space where they won’t be prone to jump away not only aids in a smoother trimming process but also helps ensure that their nails are trimmed efficiently and safely.

2. Calm your rabbit before you start

Before you start trimming your rabbit’s nails, take some time to pet your rabbit to comfort them and calm them down. Nail trimming is stressful for most rabbits, and they are less likely to anxiously try to bite, kick, and scratch if you take the time to help them feel safe first.

It also helps to choose a quiet area with minimal distractions and speak to your rabbit in a calm voice. You can also offer your bunny a favorite treat before starting, to give them a positive experience (if your rabbit is already quite nervous, they might not be interested in treats)

As you proceed with trimming the nails, continue comforting your rabbit by petting them and talking to them throughout the nail clipping process. You may need to frequently pause and gauge your rabbit’s comfort level, and take a break to pet them if they seem overly agitated.

3. Cover your rabbit’s eyes (whenever possible)

A method that I use to help keep rabbits calm during nail trimming is gently covering their eyes. By doing so, you help them feel a little more secure and minimize the chances of startling your rabbit. It’s hard to say why, but in my experience rabbits are simply more likely to stay calm if their eyes are covered and there is a soft pressure on top of their head.

Since I’m typically clipping my rabbit’s nails on my own, this means I have to be creative to cover their eyes since I’m using both my hands to do the nail trimming. The tactic that I use is by leaning my head over my rabbit and allowing my chin to rest lightly over their eyes, shielding their line of sight.

I think this is easier for me because I am quite short; I can easily lean over a standard countertop without bending too far. So, feel free to experiment with your own techniques. Maybe your hands are larger than mine and you can more easily cover their face while clipping nails, or maybe you can use a small towel or part of your shirt to help you out.

rabbit nail quick
Clip your rabbit’s nails on the section outside the nails vein (the quick).

4. Use the press, press, clip method

When trimming your bunny’s nails you want to be very careful not to cut into the quick. This is a vein that runs up each of your rabbit’s nails, that will bleed if it’s clipped. It’s not dangerous if you clip the quick by accident, but it can cause pain (similar to the way breaking one of your nails can sting for a while), so we really want to avoid this so we don’t cause unnecessary stress.

To do this I use the press, press, clip method that I first saw used on this youtube video years ago. The method is pretty simple:

  1. Lightly squeeze the nail at a point you believe is safe to cut. Do not clip yet. This pressure should be firm but gentle to test your bunny’s reaction.
  2. If you’re too close to the quick, your rabbit may flinch or show signs of discomfort. If this happens, adjust the position of the clippers slightly further away from the paw and press gently again.
  3. Once you find a non-reactive spot, quickly snip the nail. If done correctly, you’ll trim the excess nail without causing any distress or harm.

5. Hold your rabbit in a ‘standing’ position to clip their hind legs

For a rabbit’s front paws, you can usually trim them while your rabbit is sitting in a comfortable loaf-like position. However, you won’t be able to access their back paws while the rabbit is sitting like this. You will need to hold your rabbit up so that they are standing on their hind legs.

When doing this, you want to position them so their legs are firmly on the ground. This will help them feel a little more secure even though your rabbit is in an exposed position. It’s important for your rabbit to not feel suspended or dangle in the air, as this can cause stress or lead to injury.

Once your rabbit is steady, gently pull one hind leg forward slightly. Use a good pair of nail clippers and snip the tips of the nails, avoiding the “quick” using the same press, press, clip method I mentioned above.

After you’ve finished with the first leg, move it back and make sure your rabbit is standing securely again. Then, repeat with the other leg. Throughout the trimming process, keep checking the leg still rooted on the ground to ensure your rabbit’s stability and comfort. If they struggle, pause for a moment and let them find their footing again.

rabbit nail trimmin
1. Place your rabbit on a table; 2. gently pull one of their forepaws out; 3. Clip the nails on that foot; 4. Hold your rabbit up on their hind legs and clip their back feet.

6. Make sure your rabbit has firm footing

A nervous rabbit on a slippery surface can make nail trimming a challenge for both you and your pet. Put a towel or something similar underneath your rabbit’s feet to make sure they have firm footing. This can help them feel more calm and comfortable, especially when clipping the hind legs.

7. Get new clippers periodically

Pet nail clippers, like any other cutting instrument, can dull over time. Dull clippers make it difficult to cut through nails cleanly and safely. To ensure a quick and safe trimming experience for your rabbit, you’ll want to replace the clippers every 5 to 10 nail clipping sessions. The need for clipper replacement is more important as your rabbit ages. An older rabbit’s nails will thicken, and will need a sharper blade for a clean cut.

Why Replace Clippers? Sharp blades ensure clean cuts so you don’t end up crushing the nail or getting stuck halfway through the nail. Sharp clippers also require less force, making the nail clipping process so much easier.

Sadly, at this point I do not know how to sharpen pet clippers since they have such a weird rounded blade. So the only thing I know to do is get a completely new pair.

8. Press your rabbit securely against yourself

If you are timing your rabbit’s nails on a countertop, something that helps a lot is standing right up against the edge of the counter and holding your bunny securely against yourself. This helps to prevent unexpected movements and to maintain control throughout the process.

This is true for both the front legs and the hind leg clipping. Pressing your rabbit’s side against your body will make them feel more secure and they will struggle less. Make sure to press firmly, but gently. You don’t want to squeeze too hard, but you also want to make sure your rabbit can’t easily escape.

9. Try to avoid clipping their fur

When trimming your bunny’s nails, try to only clip the nails, avoiding their fur. Carelessly clipping a rabbit’s fur may result in a pinching sensation, which can cause them to flinch or kick. Sometimes it’s almost unavoidable, depending on how long your rabbit’s fur is. However, you can adjust your nail clipping technique to make it a little easier to not clip their fur.

What I do is open the clippers enough so that they create a circle with the blades, but not enough to open them all the way up like a claw. Then I slide the blades over the nail, pushing the fur out of the way in the process.

10. Keep supplies ready in case you clip the quick

When trimming your bunny’s nails, you want to keep basic first aid supplies at hand in case you accidentally clip the quick. Even though we try to avoid it, such incidents can happen. Clipping the quick is not dangerous for rabbits, but there can be a surprising amount of blood.

Due to the potential for bleeding, you’ll want to keep styptic powder or cornstarch in easy access. These agents facilitate quick blood clotting. Styptic powder is specifically designed for this purpose, but if unavailable, cornstarch is an excellent alternative. You can keep cotton balls on hand too, to help apply the powder to the affected nail.

11. Let your rabbit decompress afterward

After you’ve finished trimming your bunny’s nails, they will need some time to settle down and decompress on their own terms. Resist the urge to cuddle or handle your rabbit after the nail trimming session, since most rabbits will prefer to go off by themselves and do some major self-grooming.

Some rabbits will also refuse treats until they forgive you for the nail trimming. You can offer your rabbit a treat and place it near them. When your rabbit is ready, they’ll eat it and that will let you know they’re ready to interact again.
Patience is key after you’ve handled your rabbit for nail trimming. Allow them the time they need to forgive and forget the experience at their own pace. From a distance, you can watch how your rabbit behaves. When they start to eat, flop, or play, it’s a good sign that they are getting back to their normal self.

Tips and Tricks Newsletter

If you are new to caring for rabbits, check out the Bunny Lady bimonthly newsletter. Right after you sign up, you’ll receive a FREE pdf rabbit care guidebook. I put together a guide that goes over all the basics of rabbit care so you have it all in one place. Then you will receive tips and tricks about rabbit care straight to your inbox so that you know you’ll be taking excellent care of your new rabbit.

Recommended Products and Brands

Important: These are Affiliate links. As an associate to Amazon, Small Pet Select, and Chewy.com, I may receive a small commission from qualifying purchases.

The two brands that I use when buying food for my rabbit are Oxbow and Small Pet Select. These both have high quality rabbit products and are companies that care about the health of our small animals. If you are purchasing anything from Small Pet Select use the code BUNNYLADY at checkout to get 15% off your first order.

Amy Pratt

Amy Pratt is a lifelong rabbit owner who has been specializing with rabbits at the Humane Rescue Alliance. She helps to socialize the rabbits and educate volunteers on the care and behavior of these small mammals.

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